If you are a monthly superannuation payer you must pay your super guarantee by the 28th day of the following month. To ensure that super is paid by the due date we would suggest making payments no later than 21st Month that it is due.

Jan 28th for December Super

Feb 28th

Mar 28th

April 28th

If you are a quarterly superannuation payer, you must pay your super guarantee by the 28th day of the following month after quarter end. To ensure super is paid by the due date we would suggest making payments by no later than 21st of the month that it is due.

Jan 28th – for the Quarter Oct – Dec

Apr 28th – for the Quarter Jan – Mar

Jul 28th – for the Quarter April to June

Oct 28th – for the Quarter Jul – Sep

Why is this important to pay on time?

If you don’t pay your super by the due date you are required to submit & lodge Super Guarantee Charge Statement and pay the Super Guarantee Charge of $20 per employee. These forms take time and can also include a late payment charge on top of the $20 per employee.

Lodging these forms can be complicated, so to avoid unnecessary extra work and costs it is best to pay your super on time every time. If you have Autosuper activated in Xero the process is very quick.

If you need assistance activating it, please get in touch.